Thursday, November 22, 2007

Hape Thayskgiven!

At school, Nico made a wonderful Thanksgiving card with the classic trace-your-hand turkey. He adorned his turkey with colorful feathers and decorated its body with black polka dots. Nico usually isn't interested in drawing or coloring, so this card was definitely a nice surprise.

The fact that Nico took the time to focus on his artwork was shocking enough, but Vic and I were simply delighted to read the message he wrote inside the card. It said, "I LUV MiY MOM AyD MIY Dad LUV Nico I cat wat fur YUW TO SEE this LUV Nichlas". Translation: "I love my mom and my dad. Love, Nico. I can't wait for you to see this. Love, Nicholas."

On Thanksgiving Day, Nico made a card for Grandpa Rich and Grandma Marilyn. Again, he traced his left hand to make the body of a Thanksgiving turkey. Again, he drew and colored bright feathers and added polka dots to the turkey's body. He wrote a new message all by himself: "Hape Thayksgiven! Tis Is FuM Nicholas Thomas. I LUV YUW. I AM GOWEN TO Et Trce. Luv Nicholas Thomas. I Luik Thaks Given." Translation: "Happy Thanksgiving! This is from Nicholas Thomas. I love you. I am going to eat turkey. Love, Nicholas Thomas. I like Thanksgiving."


Chris said...

"I cat wat fur"

no, no, that means he wants a furry cat.

we've got too many of them over here, come take your pick.

Lisa Chiu said...

I'll take the best mouser! Too bad I'm allergic - cats are awesome.

Anonymous said...

hey wait a second...where's my thanksgiving card? all of the sudden, the bestest auntie linda in the world is forgotten? well, hmm...i guess that is one less transformer that five year old is getting...