CLEVELAND - In his new web series, the Nick Chicken Food Show, six-year-old host Nick Chicken shares his passion for food and fun. Aimed at kids, the show explores topics ranging from cupcakes and Easter eggs to fun things to do at the dinner table.
As the host and creator of the show, Nick chooses "fooditific" names for everyone with a role in the show, including mom/camerawoman Lisa Pizza and little brother/guest star James Fishy. Nick Chicken hopes, ultimately, to connect with viewers who agree that rolling your eyes while eating a meal is an important and valuable skill.
As the host and creator of the show, Nick chooses "fooditific" names for everyone with a role in the show, including mom/camerawoman Lisa Pizza and little brother/guest star James Fishy. Nick Chicken hopes, ultimately, to connect with viewers who agree that rolling your eyes while eating a meal is an important and valuable skill.
when are we going to see nick chicken get into some food prep? 'cause i keep looking for the chef to have cute, little flour smudges on his face...
Oh, my lord, that is so cute I can hardly even stand it.
Food prep? There's no actual *cooking* in this show! We just talk about food - we don't actually make anything. Stay tuned for an upcoming episode where Nick Chicken demonstrates the art of noodle mustaches. :)
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