Monday, March 30, 2009

March Madness: mathematically eliminated?

Yesssss! Even though the NCAA men's basketball tournament is not over yet, I've already won the 10th Annual March Madness 1:1 pool between me and my husband. Vic and I do this every year, with the winner earning a Hassle-Free Fun Day. Basically, that means the winner gets to plan activities for one full day any way s/he wants and the loser must participate with nary a whine nor whimper (i.e., no hassles).

Since Vic only has only one remaining team in the Final Four, and I have three (including Vic's lone surviving team), he has been mathematically eliminated. Too bad, so sad!

I wonder what to do for my Hassle-Free Fun Day. Vote in my poll and help me decide!

Postscript: These are the results of the poll:
Dinner and movie (chick flick): 0 votes
Spa day (including massage): 5 votes (71%)
Hike and picnic (with things *I* like to eat): 2 votes (28%)
Shoe shopping excursion: 0 votes


Anonymous said...

I picked the hike and the picnic because technically you can always get a massage. But you can NEVER eat fried food in fron of Vic and NOT have him complain. Chicken Bucket, Chicken BUCKET, CHICKEN BUTCKET!!!!!!

Claire said...

Vic would complain about the Chicken ButtKick with his eyes. He would not be able to help it.

Spa day!!!!